To attract digital specialists to apply for DfE roles, I showcased the work of service and software teams on a rich mix of channels. These creative comms supported the hiring of over 400 specialists in 3 years.
Creative producer for Think digital, act human podcast.
Designed and ran a “truly gold-standard” induction programme that welcomed new joiners to DfE Digital’s culture and their specific DDaT community of practice.
Developed the first community and communications team operating model to support DDaT organisations and communities of practice, referred to as "gold dust" by DDaT senior leaders.
Editor of the Government Digital Service’s ‘Government as a platform’ blog, ranked top out of 116 others, 2 years running.
Head of internal comms at Government Digital Service for 2 years.
Being a GOV.UK content designer–tough, but a valuable learning curve.
Winning the best government website award for HM Treasury, way back when.